Where stories come to life. Ignite your imagination with our cinematic masterpieces.
Our Latest Movies & TV Shows
Editor’s Picks
A timeless tale of family, unfolding through the generations. Experience the power of The Generations.
Enter the haunting world of Darkness Lisa, where secrets unravel and darkness takes hold.
Embark on an inspiring journey of dreams, and self-discovery in The Pursuit of Dreams.
Popular Movies & TV Shows
The Pursuit of Dreams
Join the captivating journey of The Pursuit of Dreams. A powerful film by Noxe that inspires and uplifts, reminding us to chase our dreams against all odds. Get ready to be moved.
The Witch’s Diary
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of The Witch's Diary. Join Noxe on a captivating journey of magic and mystery as secrets unfold in this spellbinding cinematic experience.
Michael’s Life
Experience the extraordinary life of Michael in this captivating film by Noxe. Dive into a story of love, triumph, and self-discovery that will leave you inspired and moved. Don't miss it.
Dangerous Man
Prepare for an intense and thrilling experience with Dangerous Man, brought to you by Noxe. This gripping film will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Star of Stage
Star of Stage, a captivating film by Noxe, takes you behind the scenes of the dazzling world of theater. Experience the drama, passion, and triumphs in this must-see cinematic journey.
The Wind Day
Experience the captivating tale of The Wind Day. This Noxe film takes you on a mesmerizing journey filled with mystery, emotion, and unexpected twists. Prepare to be swept away.
Exciting news for fans of King's Life as AMC announces season 1 airing later this year. Get ready for a thrilling and captivating journey into the royal world.
Renowned film critic Edna Mogers set to introduce Green Book, a heartwarming tale of friendship and overcoming racial barriers. Don't miss this must-see film.
Director shares new poster for Broken Dolls, a haunting and thrilling tale of mystery and suspense. Get ready for a cinematic experience like no other.